Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Well, it's been a little while since I've written an update, although not a whole lot has changed since the last entry. We did get to go home last weekend which was wonderful. Kasey got to go up to school and see all her friends, and it was great to see my family.
I am talking to Kasey's agent daily, but we haven't heard back from the audition. I am assuming that probably means she didn't get a callback. But the experience of auditioning was so fun, and it was worth coming out here for!
We are going to stay out here until March 20th to see if any other auditions come available for her. If not, we are going to come home and then just fly out here on an as needed basis. We are super ready to get home, and looking forward to getting back into our normal routine!
I'll keep you informed of anything we hear!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Well, she made it through the audition! We both got pretty nervous when we drove up to the security gate at Sony Studios. It was like a complex with their own water tower just like you see in the movies! At the security gate, they had her name in the computer as a visitor so that was kind of cool. Walking to the building, we saw the buildings for Wheel of Fortune, and Jeopardy. We got to the room, and it was undecorated with chairs along the walls. She signed in and we sat down. She had her script and her ipod. The other girls walked in with their Moms, and each girl looked very different. The first girl, got called in, and when could hear her audition through the door. Then he called Kasey in. She said he asked her to say her name, age and agent for the camera, then asked her to sing part of the song, so she did. She said he smiled when she sang. Then he read through the script with her. Then he read through it again, and asked her to react to his line a different way. He seemed pleased as far as she could tell. Then we left.

We haven't heard anything yet, and I don't have a clue if or when we will. I guess it all depends on whether she has the certain look and personality that they are looking for.

Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. We miss everyone a bunch!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

We are super excited today because Kasey got the call yesterday that she is auditioning for the part of Kristi in the Adam Sandler movie! She auditions today at 4. They emailed us a script, and she has to sing a couple of lines and speak a line. We are going to be practicing all day! There are 3 other girls at this audition and she gets to go last, so that's a good thing. I don't know how many girls they have already auditioned, but no matter what happens with this, just getting to go through this process has got her so excited, and is such an awesome experience. We will keep you posted on how it goes!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Here are a few pictures. California is a very beautiful place, and there are alot of mountains. But we sure didn't expect it to be so cold. There has been rain and snow!

Wednesday, Feb 11th

Hey fellow Texans!
For those of you who might not know, Alec had his knee surgery yesterday and he made it through great. He has to keep his knee in a straight brace for 2 weeks and he has to be non weight bearing for 6 weeks. He will then start rehab.

Also, Shane had to get his finger x-rayed, but it looks to be not broken. He hurt it at school in athletics. He will wear a splint for a while.

Vance has really had his hands full. We knew it was going to be hard for them, but never imagined all these things would come up! He is handling everything so well and has a great attitude. He is amazing.

Kasey and I are still waiting for word from the agent about that audition. We are still keeping busy most of the time, and hoping to just get some kind of answer back soon. That way we will know whether to stay out here or can come home. We miss everyone very much!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

What a Day!

Yea, we met with an agent today called LA Talent. It was pretty nerve wracking beforehand because she didn't know what to expect, but once we met her the nerves were totally forgotten. She was really great and it went very well, and Kasey got to do a monologue and sing a song for her. She really seemed to like her. She wants to have Kasey sign a contract with the agency and she is going to submit her for an audition for an upcoming Adam Sandler movie! No joke! The part is for an 11 year old girl, so who knows!

Friday, January 30, 2009

It's Friday

Well, no interviews yet, but we found out today that the agents have mostly been out of town. They are not due back until next week. I was glad to hear that because it doesn't necessarily mean they aren't interested. They just haven't been available. We have so far been pretty busy, though. Kasey started going to a tumbling gym called Waller's GymJam Academy. They are letting her practice with their team temporarily while we are here. She is very sore. They do alot more conditioning than she is used to. She likes it though, and the other girls are really nice. She said they want to take her to Six Flags some day. We spent 2 hours at the library yesterday working on her school since they were cleaning our room. The cats spent the day in the car. Hope everyone is doing good. We miss you!!