Friday, January 30, 2009

It's Friday

Well, no interviews yet, but we found out today that the agents have mostly been out of town. They are not due back until next week. I was glad to hear that because it doesn't necessarily mean they aren't interested. They just haven't been available. We have so far been pretty busy, though. Kasey started going to a tumbling gym called Waller's GymJam Academy. They are letting her practice with their team temporarily while we are here. She is very sore. They do alot more conditioning than she is used to. She likes it though, and the other girls are really nice. She said they want to take her to Six Flags some day. We spent 2 hours at the library yesterday working on her school since they were cleaning our room. The cats spent the day in the car. Hope everyone is doing good. We miss you!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Well, this is officially our first blog entry ever! Wow, what a place this is! Vance just left this morning to head back to Lubbock, so we are now on our own. So far, we have no appointments set up with the agents, but we should hear something any time. LA is quite amazing. Yesterday, we went to Hollywood and saw lots of interesting people. I think we wont be going back any time soon. School work is going fine so far. I have only had to call Mrs. Allison once so far. Also, the kitties are adjusting. They have finally come out from under the bed!! If you need our California address and phone number, please email me.
We miss everyone, Kasey especially misses you all at school!